I am a former full-time veterinarian and now practice selectively as a relief veterinarian when I’m not teaching my favorite subject, Biology. My background in vet med inspired the character of Carrie, who is exploring this field. I have a unique perspective on the veterinary profession, and a desire to help readers understand what life is like behind the curtain. Some of the moments are entertainingly disgusting, some are heartwarming beyond compare, and some are painfully difficult.
Many people are surprised to learn about the high suicide rate among veterinarians. (The highest of any profession: three to four times the national average.) The losses of so many bright and wonderful colleagues in their primes compels me to share the truth in hopes of inspiring positive change. I hear so many fellow vets say that if they had known what they would be in for, both emotionally and financially, they may have chosen a different profession altogether.
The field of veterinary medicine is a worthy and honorable calling and can be so rewarding. It is only that those who choose it need to be prepared early for what the reality will entail and willing to take all of it on knowingly. The public needs to be educated on the damage caused by rumors, misplaced hostility and online bullying. The aim of the book is to raise awareness and inspire all readers, especially veterinarians.

Unfortunately, the suicide epidemic among young people in our country is a concern reaching far outside the veterinary profession. All of the kind and beautiful lives snuffed out too early are painful to contemplate. I am heartbroken to have lost my own youngest cousin to suicide while I was writing this book. He is dearly missed by our family. I wish that not one more family would have to endure such a profound loss.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours Languages: English, Spanish. Learn more
Not One More Vet is an organization dedicated to helping veterinarians overcome thoughts of suicide and depression. https://www.nomv.org